uCertify Course Screenshot

The uCertify course is a library of courses for technology, engineering or vocational training. These courses are delivered via a highly engaging, flexible, cloud-based and device-enabled platform and can be used for self-paced, mentor guided, or instructor-led training.

Course Screenshot


  • uCertify Login Window

Welcome Page

  • uCertify Welcome Page

  • My Library Button
  • Add License Page

Change Password

  • My Profile Page with Change Personal Information Tab
  • My Profile Page with Change Password Tab

Side Panel

  • My Library Page with Filter Tabs

Navigate To A Course

  1. Search

    • My Library Page with Open Course Button
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts

    • Keyboard Shortcuts

Link with Instructor

  • Course Dashboard with Link with your instructor options


  1. Pre Assessment

    • Course Dashboard with Pre Assessment Tab
    • Course Navigation menu with Pre Assessment option
    • Pre Assessment Main Page
    • Pre Assessment Question
  2. Practice Tests

    • Practice Test Main Page
  3. Test Set

    • Test set main page with different modes of test options
  4. Custom Test

    • Custom Test Creation Page
  5. Flashcards, Quizzes, and Exercises

    • Flashcard Results
  6. How to view progress made in Flashcards, Quizzes, Exercises, and Labs

    • Viewing Flashcard progress from table of content
    • Viewing flashcard progress from study planner
  7. Bottom bar while navigating through assessments

    • Bottom bar of test set with previous and next buttons and settings button options. Settings button options include font and color settings, enhanced accessibility, keyboard and full-screen
    • Settings menu options modal box
    • Result page of test set

Chapters and Lessons

  • Chapter with reading indication at right side, bookmark, confidence, and notes option at left side along with the text-to-speech
  • Chapter content with Annotation option, Wikipedia search, and Google search
  • Table of content with bite-size learning button
  • Glossary in chapters

Performance-based Labs

  • Performance Based Labs Window with Options to Search Desired Lab
  • Lab Activity
  • Lab Explanation Tab
  • Lab Video with interactive Transcript
  • Terminal Question

Study Planner

  • Study Planner Page
  • Study Planner Sharing Options
  • Certificate of Course Completion

Help Section

  • Support Page
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