To do the required settings in Score (%), Lesson, or Post Assessment, click the
Enable button at the bottom.

Figure 6.5: Pre-Assessment Levelling Modal Box with Enable Button
>Score (%) option allows you to set the readiness percentage for the desired lesson. Student will be able to access the lesson or questions of a lesson in the
Post Assessment, after he/she has completed the given percentage in the
To set the readiness percentage for every lesson, click drop-down next to the
>Score (%) option. Enter the desired readiness percentage and click the
OK button.

Figure 6.6: Pre-Assessment Levelling Modal Box with >Score(%) Drop-downTo turn Off or On the visibility of entire accessibility of every lesson or questions of a lesson in the
Post Assessment, click the
Lesson or
Post Assessment drop-down, and select the desired option.

Figure 6.7: Pre-Assessment Levelling Modal Box with Lesson Drop-downTo turn
Off or
On the visibility of entire accessibility of every lesson or questions of a lesson in the
Post Assessment, click the
Lesson or
Post Assessment drop-down and select the desired option.

Figure 6.8: Pre-Assessment Levelling Modal Box with Post Assessment Drop-downAfter the required customization, click the OK button to freeze your preferences or click the Disable button to remove the changes made using levelling option from the course or section.

Figure 6.9: Pre-Assessment Levelling Modal Box with Disable and OK Button
- Items represents the number of items in the particular grade item.
- To hide desired grade items or chapters, under the Visibility option, click the On or Off button.
- To edit settings of the grade items or chapters, click the settings menu next to the desired grade item or chapter.
- The Points option represent the summative evaluation of a student’s performance across a grade item tracked in the Gradebook. Enter the Points parallel to the grade item.
- The Weightage option is based on the Points assigned in the Gradebook.
- To include or exclude grades of a particular item in the gradebook and sync, click the On or Off button, under the Report option, parallel to the grade item.
- To include or exclude grades of a particular item from the final grade calculation, click the On or Off button, under the Graded option, parallel to the grade item.

Figure 6.10: Design Tab with Options to Manage the Grade Items